If you're visiting my blog that means you received one of these flyers when we spoke on Wednesday, March 1, 2017:
There were eleven of us from NJ this year, representing seven different families. Our group on Wednesday included parents, a grandparent, self-advocates, as well as siblings.
We left behind a folder with specific information about why we met with you. Here is a link with electronic copies of our "asks": https://fragilex.org/fxadvocacy/
Included in our face-to-face communication with you, we also spoke about upcoming legislation which will help the ABLE Accounts to appropriately support the very people the ABLE Act is intended to protect.
These amendments will include:
The ABLE to Work Act
Allows ABLE account holders who work and earn to save more than the current limit of $14,000
The ABLE Financial Planning Act
Allows 529 accounts to be rolled over into ABLE accounts, when such college savings can not be used for their original purpose
The ABLE Age Adjustment Act
Enables more individuals who become disabled later in life to take advantage of the benefits of the ABLE accounts Allows ABLE account holders who work and earn to save more than the current limit of $14,000
The ABLE Financial Planning Act
Allows 529 accounts to be rolled over into ABLE accounts, when such college savings can not be used for their original purpose
The ABLE Age Adjustment Act
Pictured above, my personal leave-behind flyer tells a little bit about my family, where we're from, as well as a brief description of fragile x and the NFXF annual Advocacy Day.
I hope you visit this page once in a while to learn about our journey with our son Hayden.
See you soon & stay tuned... the next important update is always just around the corner