In recent weeks people within the fragile x community have been hosting, contributing, and/or participating in fundraisers, walks, & other events, to let people know about fragile x during Fragile X Awareness month!
As July is soon to come to a close, I wonder... would YOU be able to answer this question:
What is fragile x?
There is a big difference between being able to answer this, & simply knowing someone who has fragile x.
If you are not confident that you can explain fragile x, & you're willing to admit it :) I hope you agree to quiz yourself.
1. Fragile x syndrome is:
a. genetic but not inherited
b. genetic and inherited
c. caused by autism
d. both a and c
2. In total, there are ____ fragile x- associated disorders.
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
3. National Fragile X Awareness Day is on:
a. July 1st b. July 11th c. July 12th d. July 22nd
4. It is possible for the fragile X premutation to be passed silently within a family, for generations, before a child is born with the syndrome.
a. This statement is true as-is
b. True, but only in families of a certain ethnicity c. Partially false-- the inheritance can only skip one generation
d. This statement is completely false
5. When it comes to fragile x, a person is either a carrier of the gene or they have the full gene mutation. What are the chances of an affected female passing on fragile x to her children?
a. 1 in every 4 b. 50% chance with each pregnancy
c. depends on the sex of the child d. it is randomly passed
6. Fathers who carry the fragile x gene in premutation form will:
a. only pass it on if the mother is a carrier, too
b. only pass it on to their son(s) but not their daughter(s)
c. only pass it on to their daughter(s) but not their son(s)
d. only pass it on 50% of the time to either their son or daughter
So, how did you do?
1. The answer is B. Fragile X syndrome is genetic. Fragile X syndrome is not caused by autism. However, fragile x syndrome is so far, the number one known inherited single gene cause of autism when there is a dual diagnosis.
2. The answer is C. In total, there are 3 fragile x-associated disorders:
(1) FXS- fragile x syndrome
(2) FXTAS- fragile x-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome
(3) FXPOI- fragile x-associated primary ovarian insufficiency
3. The answer is D. National Fragile X Awareness Day is recognized & observed on July 22nd, during Fragile X Awareness Month!
4. The answer is A. Yes, fragile x is often passed silently within a family for generations.
5. The answer is B. Females have a 50/50 chance of passing on fragile x to each of her children.
6. The answer is C. A male carrier can & will pass the fragile x gene to his daughters, & only in a carrier form.
So, if someone should ask, please tell them:
fragile x syndrome is a genetic disorder and it is the most common inherited form of intellectual impairment.
Please explore the NFXF site to learn more!
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