Clouds, May 2010

Clouds, May 2010

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

sixth on the sixth

Before we even pulled out of the school parking lot this afternoon, he was boasting about his day... I can't remember his exact words, whether he said he liked his day or he had fun or both... but he definitely emphasized, "I really did!"

With a semi-stuffed mouth, as my sixth grader tore through the after-school food I had waiting for him in the car, he continued to tell me all about it. First he told me he did AM Anchor (morning news) and that he shared about our trip to Maine. Lucky for me our parrot told his aide (or possibly the entire class) about my ankle, which I twisted in a sand hole on the beach path our second day there.

But on he went in his usual sort of stream of consciousness, and mentioned one of the girls who was back (I can only assume she wasn't there for summer program). He also said another girl's name and then one of the boys, and I asked about another girl in his class whose name I know. He told me so-and-so looked pretty because "she had like a bow in her hair"
(ooohmygosh if only there were emojis and hashtags on blogger....) 

When we got to the next red traffic light I turned around for a second and noticed he was wearing a smiley face ring. I said, "Oh, that's cute-- where did that come from?" And he happily said it was another boy's birthday. I said that was a cool thing to celebrate on the first day of school, and he laughed and said, "Yeah, we sang to him-- the whole class! And I had a cupcake! And we ate pizza..." I think he said they had pizza... my brain was stuck on my child with sensory processing disorder talking about a cupcake.

Either way it's pretty incredible when your son not only offers details of his day, but does so without prompting and even more incredibly... with plenty of enthusiasm. No doubt rare for any twelve year old, let alone one with still-developing expressive language. Incredible is actually an understatement.

It was raining sheets this morning and we lost power. Yet neither dampered Hayden's contentment. As we were on our way for the first day of school I took a photo of him in the backseat right before we left. After everything he went through it is clear his spirit persevered. And I will also say after everything Dan and I faced, I am proud of US. With dignity, courage and persistence we accomplished what we had to. 
Our somber summer concluded with a magical, healing trip to Maine and now, I pray, the school year is truly beginning with a renewed sense of hope.
The three photos on the right were actually taken after we arrived at school. If that doesn't speak volumes...
